WordPress Maintenance Service

We’ve been supporting online businesses like yours for years!

Our WordPress maintenance service was built to be low-cost and we only provide you with the essentials. We don’t charge you for things you won’t use and we are there for you when you need us.

We don’t make you pay for dev time or charge you $300 a month for our services. We provide you with an effective, low-cost solution built to help you scale your business with ease.

WordPress Maintenance Service

Off-Site Backups

You might be wondering why this matters if your host provides backup services for you. There are many benefits such as “Selective Restore”. For instance, if a plugin update goes wrong we can simply restore the affected plugin(s) instead of your entire site.

Redundancy that pairs well with managed updates.

No need for UpdraftPlus to eat up disk space.

We keep 90 days worth of backups.

Save money on storage fees.

Security Monitoring

WordPress websites get hacked. As the most popular CMS in the world, everyone is looking for a vulnerability to exploit. We monitor your site for vulnerabilities and if we detect malware we remove it. Though, we try to prevent that in the first case.

Security Monitoring helps prevent you from getting blacklisted in Google.

Included malware removal service entices us to keep your site secure.

Pairs with our backup services.

Monitor plugin & theme vulnerabilities.

Up Time Monitoring

Website’s go down. Whether it’s from a DDOS attack, a bad plugin update that throws an error, or a subpar host, we are always monitoring for downtime issues. If it’s down for a period of time, we will investigate as to why.

Uptime monitoring is essential to any WordPress maintenance service

Find out if you’re using a reliable host or not.

Many hacks also lead to your site going down with a PHP error.

Determine if your existing stack is right for your traffic levels.

Routine Updates

Keeping your WordPress website up to date is not only important, it’s essential to keep it running without issue. Outdated plugins are the primary reason the average WordPress website gets hacked. We take care of this process for you.

These out of date plugins and themes can lead to hacking attempts.

Out of date plugins and themes could be missing performance improvements.

Not updating WordPress core leaves your site vulnerable to hackers.

Out of date themes could be missing out on new and exciting features!

Monthly Plans

WordPress maintenance

$20 month

Daily Off-Site Backups

Daily Database Cleanup

Daily Security Checks

Up time Monitoring

Weekly Reports

Core/Plugin/Theme Updates

Daily Performance Checks